What I Packed In My Birth Bag
About a month before my expected due date, I started making a checklist of items to toss in for my water birth! Once everything was packed, I set my suitcase by the door in case anything were to happen and I needed to take off.
Outfit for labor (I ended up wearing this before I left the house, which was my bikini and coverup dress)
Outfits for going home - I packed several different outfits for myself and baby to choose from!
Magnesium flakes to use while laboring in water
Magnesium is an important mineral that helps reduce skin issues such as acne and rosacea, reduces morning sickness, balances out hormones and blood pressure, reduces migraines, and improves sleep! It comes in the form of bath flakes, oil, and capsules.
Most people are magnesium deficient (80% of the population)
Magnesium is also a muscle relaxant, so I wanted some of this in the tub that I was giving birth in!
According to Science Daily, women who received magnesium sulfate during labor were less likely to develop maternal fever, a condition that can lead to a variety of complications in newborns including difficulty breathing, seizures, cerebral palsy and a condition known as “floppy baby syndrome.”
I also take magnesium supplements and use a spray (it’s an oil) to rub onto my skin after showering!
If using a magnesium supplement, check the ingredients and avoid magnesium stearate as it is a hazardous additive! (source: Dr. Mercola)
Birthing ball to labor on
Nipple balm to use as it might feel uncomfortable while the baby learns how to latch on! (I brought coconut oil + later used Earth Mama as well)
Perineum spray to help relieve and heal the area down there
Bathrobe and slippers to wear after getting out of the tub
Freezer storage bag to store my placenta for encapsulation
Book in case I spent the night and needed entertainment other than my phone (didn’t end up needing it as there was enough going on)
Water bottle and foods for labor: fruits, orange juice, coconut water (I was SO thirsty and high sugar fruits are important to keep the energy up!)
Chapstick is essential while going through this marathon-like process
Foods for after labor: crackers and bars (something nutrient-dense is important after laboring!)
Candles to set the mood
Diffuser to also set the mood and promote relaxation during labor, and provide healing benefits throughout the birth process
Makeup bag to touch up my makeup after giving birth!
Adult diapers which proved to be a daily necessity for up to six weeks after birth (although the birth center provided some for me)
Newborn outfits - I chose 3 different ones to put in the suitcase that I’d pick from later, including burp cloths, blankets, hats, mittens, socks, and bows
Diapers and baby wipes
Car seat + boppy pillow for car seat
Phone charger, book, throw blanket, pajamas, sleep mask, hair tools, hair products, skincare products, shower essentials, and toiletries in case I needed to spend the night
Polaroid camera to generate instant pics (sadly, I forgot about this)!
A folder for identification documents, insurance cards, and paperwork that the birth center/hospital may provide (I received documents on postpartum instructions)